What Did Michelle Marquez Dee Do To Win The Hearts Of Many Filipinos?
I’ve been seeing a lot of questions roaming around social media as to why MMD’s homecoming is much anticipated. Some even compared it to the previous candidates. Here’s my take:
1. MMD worked hard for everything. She didn't rely on the fact that she's an artista, heiress, and someone who almost has everything in life. She just focused on her journey, she invested in her life long advocacy, she didn't mind the bashers, and most importantly, she listened to all constructive criticism without taking them personally, thus, she used them to improve on the things she knew she was weak or lacking.
2. She didn't encourage her fans to fight back. She showed everyone that she can be a role model even if she was not everyone's favorite. She USES HER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS brilliantly. She always reminds her followers to always be kind and spread love instead of hate.
3. Again, every resource she has was utilized properly. She's just a human being with emotions but she chooses compassion always instead of hate.
4. She knows how to strategize. She is imaginative, go-getter, and creative. Everything has been planned, brainstormed, and carefully conceptualized with her equally brilliant team.
5. She didn't compete with other people but she just competed with herself to become a better person and a model to all.
6. She has that aura and appeal that cannot be denied. For some fans who love seeing mestiza looking candidates, for MMD, she embraced her oriental looks even more and represented the country confidently and proudly.
That made her exceptional to be able to convert hate to love; Transform bashers to avid fans; promoted Bayanihan spirit again and for that matter, she gained more supporters that truly love her for who she is, and for she has done to make the country proud...er.